Sustainable Merrickville-Wolford


What's Happening

  • The Merrickville Seed Library is open for the growing season. Now in its fourth year, the Seed Library is well stocked with a variety of vegetable, herb, and flower seeds, as well as native wildflower seeds to attract pollinators.
    Whether you are looking for seeds to plant, have seeds to donate, or just want more information, be sure to check it out. The Seed Library is located in the Public Library and is free to everyone.
  • In collaboration with the Lions Club, and with the support of the Village of Merrickville-Wolford, SMW is working out how to establish a Re-Use Centre. The Re-Use Centre will provide an alternative to the landfill for items that still have a lot of potential use, like construction materials, wooden furniture, and toys to name a few. People will be able to drop off and/or find used items at the facility.
    To get started, we are looking for volunteers to help out for a few hours a month on Saturdays. If you are interested or if you have any questions, please contact us at We would love to hear from you.
  • Do you have a bounty of garden produce? Why not donate it to the Merrickville Food Cupboard? The Food Cupboard helps individuals and families in our community when they need it. As well as non-perishable items and financial contributions, they welcome donations of seasonal fresh produce. So be sure to plant an extra row and share the bounty of your garden. Click here for more information on how to donate.
  • FoodcoreLGL is looking for your input into a revised Food Charter describing how we can work together to create a food system that nourishes everyone! The Leeds, Grenville, and Lanark Food Charter describes a food system in which people, relationships, economic and ecological systems can all flourish. Be sure to check out the draft version of the Food Charter and provide your feedback.
  • The Federal Government is looking for your input on Environmental Learning. Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) is working toward a National Framework for Environmental Learning, which will play a critical role in addressing the urgent triple planetary crisis of climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution. The National Framework will help Canadians (especially young Canadians) better understand and act on environmental issues, manage eco-anxiety, and prepare for the jobs of tomorrow. ECCC is hosting a public comment period through July 3rd. The input that they receive will be summarized in a report to be released later this year. Please consider adding your voice!

Want to learn more? Subscribe to our email list, contact us at or check out our Facebook page for the latest information.

In the News

  • For the latest national and international news, check out The Energy Mix - a great source of articles on climate change, energy, and carbon-free futures.
  • The CBC's What on Earth is another great source of environmental news - free weekly e-newsletter or podcast subsciptions are available.
  • If you want to know more about what's going on in eastern Ontario, Climate Legacy, which focuses on engaging and mobilizing older Canadians in climate action, has compiled a list of climate action groups in our region, along with a corresponding schedule of events.

Read More About Us

Join the conversation

Feel free to drop in to our next potluck meeting. Everyone is welcome!
For more information on meeting dates and locations, as well as other events, Subscribe to our email list, check us out on Facebook, or click below to check our Events Page.


You can make a difference

  • Aim for Zero Waste

    Simple steps to help conserve our natural resources and reduce pollution.

  • Plant a Garden

    Tips and support for planting and preserving your own vegetables.

  • Create a Wildlife Habitat

    You can cteate an area that helps local and migratory wildlife, and enjoy the benefits and beauty they bring.

  • Buy Local

    A list of farms and other helpful links to help you discover local food sources.

  • Green Building & Renovating

    How we build today has huge environmental impacts on how we thrive or survive tomorrow.

Current Initiatives & Projects


Building a Network

Interested in meeting with like-minded people, building resources, or connecting with other organizations? We can't do it alone. If you are interested in collaborating, communications, or planning, there are lots of opportunities.

Supporting Sustainable Local Food Initiatives

Looking for ways to contribute to food security and support local farms? Join in the discussion and share your ideas!


Enriching Local Gardens

Dreaming of building a stunning pollinator garden? Interested in seed exchanges? Help us support the Seed Library or discover some amazing alternatives to a traditional lawn.

Advocating for Change

Want to make your voice heard? Join us in encouraging and supporting our municipal leaders in making climate action a priority for our community.